You have been directed to this page because you are accessing PASCOM using an obsolete and insecure browser.
Internet Explorer version 7 (and earlier) is no longer supported by Microsoft on any platform. Internet Explorer 8 is no longer supported on Windows XP. This means that Microsoft have stopped issuing bug fixes and security updates for these browsers. Security weaknesses are regularly discovered in all browsers and only regular patching and updates can protect against hackers exploiting these weaknesses.
As PASCOM is used to manage sensitive patient information any browsers with known security weaknesses should not be used to input or edit data within the PASCOM system. By doing so you may comprimise the security of your patient's data.
If you need to keep IE7 / IE8 on your system to access legacy websites then you can access PASCOM using an alternative browser such as Chrome or Firefox. Installing an alternative browser takes about 2 minutes. Alternatively you can upgrade to the current version of Internet Explorer (Version 11).
If you do continue to use IE7 / IE8 for other sites you should consider the security implications for any personal / business / patient data you manage using these browsers. Your local IT support should be able to advise you on the security risks associated with using unsupported software to access sensitive information.