Information & Resources
(Each link below opens in a new window as a PDF or MS Word file)
- Manchester Oxford Foot Questionnaire (MOXFQ) - Download link available to registered members only. The MOXFQ is protected by copyright and remains the property of Oxford Univerisity Innovation. PASCOM has held an agreement to use the MOXFQ since 2011.
- Podiatry Health Questionnaire (PHQ). Update January 2017. The PASCOM team are aware of a concen with the validity of the version of the PHQ which was previously available for download on this page. The team are in communication with the PHQ authors and hope to post a corrected version of the PHQ shortly
PASCOM National Data Reports for Podiatric Surgery, Nail surgery and Injection therapies
The following files are raw data extracts from the system presented without further analysis, comment or interpretation. Each file covers a 12 month period (1st January to 31st December) although please note that PASCOM-10 was introduced in May 2010. Each file covers 8 key areas: procedures, fixation, anaesthesia, demographics, medication (since 2016), sequelae, patient satisfaction and Manchester Oxford Foot/Ankle Questionnaire outcomes.
(Each link below opens in a new window as a PDF)
- 2023 PASCOM National Data Report. Podiatric surgery, nail surgery and injection therapies
- 2022 PASCOM National Data Report. Podiatric surgery, nail surgery and injection therapies
- 2021 PASCOM National Data Report. Podiatric surgery, nail surgery and injection therapies
- 2020 PASCOM National Data Report. Podiatric surgery, nail surgery and injection therapies
- 2019 PASCOM National Data Report. Podiatric surgery, nail surgery and injection therapies
- 2018 PASCOM National Data Report. Podiatric surgery, nail surgery and injection therapies
- 2017 PASCOM National Data Report. Podiatric surgery, nail surgery and injection therapies
- 2016 PASCOM National Data Report. Podiatric surgery, nail surgery and injection therapies
- 2015 PASCOM National Data Report. Podiatric surgery, nail surgery and injection therapies
- 2014 PASCOM National Data Report. Podiatric surgery, nail surgery and injection therapies
- 2013 PASCOM National Data Report. Podiatric surgery, nail surgery and injection therapies
- 2012 PASCOM National Data Report. Podiatric surgery, nail surgery and injection therapies
- 2011 PASCOM National Data Report. Podiatric Surgery, nail surgery and injection therapies
- 2010 PASCOM National Data Report. Podiatric Surgery, nail surgery and injection therapies
A collection of articles and reports related to or discussing PASCOM
(Each link below opens in a new window as either a PDF, MS Word file or external website)
Think we've missed a paper? please let us know
Research priority setting in UK podiatric surgery
Do MOXFQ scores change over time? A retrospective study of podiatric surgery outcomes
Surgical decompression of superficial peroneal nerve entrapment (Henry’smononeuritis). A case report with a discussion of anatomical variation and literature review
Influencia de la fotografía preoperatoria en el grado de satisfacción en pacientes postoperados de cirugía de antepiéThe effect of showing preoperative photographs on patient satisfaction following forefoot surgery
Does patient satisfaction after foot surgery change with time? A mid-term retrospective study using PASCOM-10
Correction of hallux abducto valgus by scarf osteotomy. A ten-year retrospective multicentre review of patient reported outcomes shows high satisfaction rates with podiatric surgery
An audit of the prescription and supply of medicines by podiatric surgery teams in the UK
The prevalence of symptomatic in patients requiring total contact casting for neuropathic foot complications
The prevalence of symptomatic venous thromboembolism in patients requiring total contact casting for neuropathic foot complications
A rare complication following a Winograd Procedure: A case report and review of National sequellae
Reflection of Cartilage Mapping against hallux valgus management? A Critical literature Review (Podiatry Review - Opens in new window)
Scarf and Akin Osteotomies for Correction of Hallux Abducto Valgus. A Tenyear Retrospective Patient Evaluation From Five Podiatric Surgery Centres
Using PASCOM PSQ-10 (Research Square - Opens in new window)
The potential effect of poor data collection on podiatric surgery and patient care highlighted by the corona virus pandemic ( - Opens in new window)
Prescribing, Supplying, and Administering Medicines. A Contemporary Review of Podiatric Surgery in the United Kingdom (Research Square - Opens in new window)
Plantar plate repair – a single centre, single procedure case series (British Journal of Sports Medicines - Opens in new window)
Getting the Measure of PASCOM (Podiatry now November 2020 - opens in new window)
A 12-month review of patients with advanced metatarsophalangeal joint osteoarthritis undergoing synthetic cartilage hemi implant arthroplasty (FAOJ March 2020 - opens in new window)
Outcomes of Cartiva Implant Surgery Performed on Lesser MTP Joints (Podiatry Now February 2020 - opens in new window)
Setting up a diabetic foot clinic (Diabetic Foot Journal - opens in New Window)
P-10 weapon of choice. SImple positive steps to using PASCOM (Podiatry Now December 2018 - opens in new window)
PASCOM-10 hits 100,000 records (Podiatry Now May 2018 - opens in new window)
PASCOM-10 reporting the first six years (Podiatry Now April 2018 - opens in new window)
Service Evaluation: A Comparison Of Outcomes Of First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis (Podiatry Now November 2017 - opens in New Window)
Injection Therapy Survey: 2 year data using PASCOM-10 audit tool. Presented at COPC 2017 (opens in new window)
A retrospective audit of lesion excision and rotation skin flap for the treatment of intractable plantar keratosis (The Foot
Diabetic Foot Clinic Activity Report. DCHS, Published July 2017 (opens in new window)
A Midterm Review of Lesser Toe Arthrodesis With an Intramedullary Implant (FAS 2017 - opens in new window)
Patient reported outcomes six months following surgical treatment of end stage hallux rigidus (The Foot 2017- opens in new window)
Comparing Datasets With PASCOM (Podiatry Now August 2017 - opens in new window)
The Value of PASCOM-10 for Podiatry (Podiatry Now January 2017 - opens in new window)
Patient Expectations and Satisfaction With Foot and Ankle Surgery in Saudi Arabia: A Retrospective Cohort Study (opens in new window JFAS 56[1] pp 65-71)
Independent prescribing within a community podiatric surgery team (Podiatry Now December 2016 - opens in new window)
Service Evaluation, Outcome Measurement and PASCOM-10 (Podiatry Now December 2016)
Evaluating the Clinical outcomes of Nail Surgery (Podiatry Now June 2016 - opens in new window)
Longitudinal plantar approach for excision of interdigital perineural fibroma of the foot (opens in new window The Foot and Ankle Online Journal 9 [1]: 1)
Nail surgery outcomes at CLCH. Published August 2015 (opens in new window)
Scarsdale and Claycross Hospital (NHS) Audit report March 2014 (published by - opens in new window)
High Patient Satisfaction with Podiatric Surgery in Doncaster.pdf
The benefits of reducing anxiety in a podiatric surgical unit in the UK with midazolam (Revista Internacional de Ciencias Podológicas, 2014)
PASCOM-10 scores comparison 2012 - 2013 (published by - opens in new window)
An audit of surgical outcomes. The Chevron - Akin procedure (Podiatry Now May 2013)
Hallux Valgus correction by metatarsal osteotomy (Podiatry Now, May 2013)
PASCOM Invited speaker presentation (JFAR 2011)
Patient Expectations of Podiatric Surgery in the united Kingdom (JFAR 2011)
Clinical Audit Report. Doncaster Podiatric Surgery (Podiatry Now 2011)
Patient Reported Outcomes following the combined rotation scarf and Akin's osteotomies in 71 consecutive cases (The Foot 2011)
Quality Summary Report: Podiatric Surgery January - December 2011 (Published by - opens in new window)
Patient Reported Outcomes a new direction for podiatric surgery.pdf
PASCOM-10. The ball is now rolling (Podiatry now September 2010).pdf
Unpublished Report produced for Faculty of Podiatric Surgery (2008)
PASCOM Data Collection and NHS IT Strategy (Podiatry Now 2008)
Does patient satisfaction with foot surgery change over time? (The Foot 2008)
A critical assessment of a new evauation tool for podiatric surgical outcome analysis (BJP 2003)
Setting standards for day care foot surgery. A quinquennial review (Reprint in Podiatry Now 2002)
Clinical Bulletin (Podiatry Now August 2002).pdf
Clinical Bulletin (Podiatry Now March 2002).pdf
An audit of lesser metatarsal osteotomy. (British Journal of Podiatry 2001).pdf
A retrospective analysis of Swanson implants following podiatric surgery for arthritic joint disease (The Foot 2000)
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Disclaimer. The Royal College of Podiatry do not accept responsibility for opinions expressed by authors or contributors of the articles linked to or shared on this page. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, they cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies in the information provided.