PASCOM national data for 2016 published
Published 24 Jan 2017
Each year in January the PASCOM team publish raw invasive treatment data generated by the system over the previous 12 months. The data is provided 'as is' without editing, error correction or further analysis. Individual departments use PASCOM in accordance with their own local audit procedures and as a result there can be some variance in how and when activity or outcomes are recorded, as a result care should be taken when using this data to benchmark local activity. If you require any support with interpreting the national data please get in contact
The 2016 data shows that 100 centres recorded 11,375 episodes of care and 17,616 surgical procedures. Loss to follow up remains a concern with satisfaction data available for 2754 patients and slighlty less patients completed both pre and post operative MOXFQ questionnaires. The full report is available to download here
Anthony Maher
PASCOM-10 Working Party