The Value of PASCOM-10 for Podiatry
Published 24 Jan 2017
In the January edition of Podiatry Now David Tollafield provides a useful overview of the PASCOM-10 database from its early days as a simple audit project at Nene College (now the Univesity of Northampton) through to the present day with over 77,000 recorded episodes of care. David concludes his review with a challenge to all podiatrists: "The podiatric surgeons (fewer than 100 individuals) have hammered down the key ingredients of (PASCOM) but 8000 podiatrists can access the system; consider the impact if we had 2000 podiatrists alone? This would provide the basis upon which national policy could be made."
PASCOM-10 is a membership benefit available to all members of the College of Podiatry at no additional cost. To find out more please use the contact page.
The article can be read in full here.