PASCOM updates and improvements

Published 29 Jul 2016

Dear Colleagues,
It has been around 7 months since we have sent an update to you about PASCOM and I thought as we are in summer (supposedly) I would drop you all a line.
One important new feature is being able to pre-schedule your PROMS / Follow-up MOXFQ and PSQ-10s to automatically get emailed to patients at a time set by you. This will also then auto-populate the responses you get back in to the patient episode saving a lot of the administrative burden associated with this.
"On all the patient form events, where previously there was just a "send request now" button, there is now a new "send request later" button too.
Pressing "send request later" opens up a dialog where you can specify a date to send the request, or automatically pick 1, 3 or 6 months ahead.
Once a patient form has been scheduled it remains on the patient episode, so a user can go in later to change the scheduled date, send the email immediately instead, or delete the event if required."
The second new development is the ability to delete episodes that are entered in error - or previous test / practice ones - the idea is we cleanse the system so the numbers we are reporting as denominators are a true reflection of activity.
1. An episode is now automatically deleted once the last event (which will be the referral event) is deleted from it.
2. Any user who can delete events from a centre can therefore delete the episode too (as an episode is really just a collection of events and nothing more)
3. Any existing empty episodes have been removed from the system
1. An Administrator or Webmaster can delete a patient at a centre if that patient has no episodes at that centre. Once all episodes are deleted a red delete button will appear on the patient’s screen.
2. The deletion only relates to the patient at that centre, not the patient across the entire system (although recent changes mean that all new patients are unique to each centre)
1. A Webmaster can delete a centre only if the centre has no patients.
I would be grateful also if you could keep up the promotion and encouragement of others who may not be using PASCOM to try and get on board with it - the more data we can gather the easier it is going to be to help demonstrate to the wider health economy the impact podiatry is making day in day out
with thanks and best wishes for the summer period
Matthew Fitzpatrick
Chair, PASCOM Committee
Chair, College of Podiatry Academic Board