Comparing Datasets with PASCOM-10
Published 06 Sep 2017
In this brief report David Tollafield considers PASCOM-10 (P-10) clinical diagnostic activity data for podiatry and podiatric surgery
Ever mindful of Health Commissioners and their quest to cut service provision, without evidence, we need more than ever to rely on a national dataset. Building on outcome evidence is not just something the PASCOM team are working on alone, and meetings are coming together to see how we can expand our evidence to promote podiatric intervention for all groups. Only by looking at audit trails can we make any inference with some confidence about our own activity. In many ways the PASCOM team prefer invasive and non-invasive terms.
This article appeared in the August 2017 edition of Podiatry Now and can be accessed here (opens new window) . A supplementary unpublished article expanding on the themes identified in Podiatry Now can be accessed here (opens new window)